Surya Shakti - "Surya" means "Sun,"and "Shakti" means "energy". Surya Shakti is a dynamic form of the Sun Salutation which is an ancient yogic practice with a powerful sequence of 18 postures. It energizes the system to a different dimension. This process helps to strengthen the ligaments that hold the skeletal and muscular structure together.
Makes ligaments of the body strong
Increases mental alertness and focus
Creates a basis for one to move into higher states of energy
Increases physical strength & stamina
Realigns the musculo-skeletal system
Increases energy levels
Practice Requirements
Age 14+
Intensity - Medium
No previous experience necessary
Duration Initial Class - 2 sessions, 1hr 45 minutes each session. Both Sessions are required.
Empty Stomach Requirement:
- Meals should be consumed 4 hours before class
- Snacks can be consumed 2.5 hours before class
- Beverages can be consumed at least 1.5 hours before class
Surya Shakti
No Refunds due to Covid-19.
Pregnant women or individuals with hernia should not practice Surya Shakti. Consult a physician before practicing if you have the following conditions:
- Back, neck, hip, or leg disease
- Injury
- Artificial joint replacement
- Heart disorder